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Chemical Peels


Most clients are on the spectrum of being scared of chemical peels or they absolutely love them. The chemical compound of peels vary depending on what is trying to be achieved - clearing acne, brightening pigment, rejuvenating aging skin or smoothing skin texture from scarring.

There is something for everyone when it comes to chemical exfoliation, as it's tailored to your skin type and the concerns we are trying to correct. Being on recommended home care for at least two weeks is required to receive a chemical peel service. Most clients need a series of at least 3 peels to achieve maximum results.

These treatments are not suitable for moderate/severe acne, sensitive or rosacea skin types.


30 min / $95

Need a little pick me up or have never experienced a peel before? This service is great for those needing a little boost in their monthly treatment plan or for first time peel clients. The proper peel will be chosen for you based on your skin type and concerns to help reduce sun damage, smooth uneven texture, minimize wrinkles and mild acne breakouts. Expect zero to minimal flaking. A series of 3 or more is suggested before graduating onto the TCA peel.


30 min / $125

A powerful herbal peel featuring a unique blend of botanicals, plant stem cells and antioxidants to help increase cellular turnover, lighten dark spots, smooth acne scarring, tighten sagging skin and minimize signs of aging. This treatment feels very active on the skin and you may still feel activity up to 24 hours post peel. Expect mild flaking for 3-5 days depending on the depth of treatment.


30 min / $175

Expect total rejuvenation with our mineral TCA peel featuring salicylic acid, colloidal silver and gold formulated to target advanced aging, stubborn sun damage and textural scarring. This peel is layered depending on skin sensitivity and sealed with a mineral retinol solution for boosted antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and cell repair benefits. Expect moderate flaking for 5-7 days post peel. A series of Refresher Peels is recommended before getting a TCA peel for best results.

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